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Using Live Video Options to Market Your Small Business

Creating high-quality video content can be a major commitment, both in terms of time and money. If your company is not in a position to invest in professional video production services right now, there are other ways you can produce video content to market your small business. One great option? Live streaming.

How to Use TikTok Ads to Promote Your Business

If you have a kid at home, you’ve probably heard of TikTok. The video-sharing app is very popular with Generation Z, who helped make it one of the most downloaded apps in the world – over 1 billion downloads in its first year. Now with an estimated 500 million monthly active users, TikTok continues to see astounding user growth and has captured the attention of many influencers, businesses, and marketers.

3 Emerging Options for Paid Ads on Social Media

There’s no question that social media advertising is a great tool for small businesses, but it’s not as easy as it once was for brands to reach and connect with their target audiences. With three million businesses actively advertising on Facebook, competition is fierce, and creating an effective advertising strategy is more important than ever.

How SEO Can Help Local Prospects Find Your Business Online

If you’re trying to help local prospects find your business online, it’s going to be pretty difficult without a strategy for search engine optimization (SEO). Want some help? Let’s go over the basics of SEO and how businesses and marketers use it to generate leads through organic search.

Which Social Media Platform is Best for Your Small Business?

Building and maintaining a social media presence for your company takes time, but it can have a substantial impact on your business. Custom, quality social media content can help you increase brand awareness, stand out from your competition, and drive leads to your website, among other benefits. But to get the best results on social media, you have to reach and interact with your target audience.

Top 3 Advantages of Updating Your Web Design

First impressions matter, and your website is often the first place your customers will go to gain information and insight on your brand. How old is your website? How much have things changed in your business and industry since it went live? Is it optimized for mobile?

How Effective is the Blog on Your Company’s Website?

Blogging is about more than just sharing creative content with your audience. Today, brands use blogs to tell their stories, connect with their target audience, grow their businesses, and so much more. If you haven’t made your company blog a priority in the past, it’s time to make a change! Let’s take a closer look at how unique, strategically-written blog content can produce tangible results for your business.

Why Your Sales Team Needs an Inbound Marketing Strategy

In today’s technology-driven, abundant society, customers–not brands–run things. No matter what product or service a person is searching for, there are countless brands competing to earn their business, each trying to entice the buyer with a better deal, higher quality product, or enhanced experience. In response, customers are expecting more and more from brands. They want better quality, a fair price, environmentally friendly options, and personalized customer service, just to name a few demands. And they’re not sitting around waiting for solutions to fall into their laps. With a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips, most customers have already done some online research on the product or service they’re searching for prior to purchasing.

Dos and Don’ts for Managing Your Online Reviews

Although it can be challenging to deal with online reviews, the worst thing you can do is ignore them. Studies have shown that as much as 88% of consumers trust online reviews, so there’s little question as to whether they are important. Online reviews matter.

3 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023

Video content is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your target audience and drive meaningful engagement. And if you’re not incorporating it into your digital marketing strategy by now, you’re missing out on some serious opportunities.Social Media Today says marketers who use video grow revenue 49 percent faster than non-video users, and 72 percent of customers prefer learning about a product or service through video.
