Blog and Digital Marketing Tips - Triton Commerce - Page 14


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Organic Leads vs Paid Leads: Which Should Your Business Invest In?

If you’re trying to increase leads for your business, you probably know you’ll need to produce more online content to drive potential customers to your website. We live in a digital world – especially lately with COVID-19 restrictions – and most business owners are aware they need to step up their online game to stay competitive.

How to Make a Big Impact With a Small PPC Budget

Every time you’re online, you see ads everywhere. They’re all over Google and every other website you visit, in between your friends’ and family members’ posts on social media, inside of emails, even sometimes popping up inside Facebook Messenger. It must be hard for all of those companies to compete with each other with all that noise, right? Not necessarily!

Introduce Your Team With Bio Videos

In today’s digital world – especially over the course of the past few years – most of us are interacting with other people in person less and less often. Consumers were already doing much of their shopping online pre-pandemic, and while we’ve been in lockdown, the e-commerce world has grown exponentially.

6 Must-Have Digital Marketing Tools for 2022

From a deadly virus and socio-political turmoil to the cooling economy, unprecedented changes and uncertainty kept us all scrambling to keep up this year. Here are some digital marketing tools, that can help you stay ahead.

Top 5 Podcasts to Influence Your Business

Whether you’re the head of a family business that’s endured for decades or an entrepreneur who recently launched a startup, there’s always more to learn about running a successful business. Knowledge is power!

Using CRM to Increase Tracking, Conversions, and Sales

Running a business means constantly acquiring new data. Every time someone on your team interacts with a potential or existing customer, your company receives new information that can be used to provide better customer service, increase sales and customer retention, and even improve your business.

The Importance of Digital Marketing During and After COVID-19

Business owners are used to compromising and problem solving on the reg, but we can probably all agree that COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges. Bbusinesses all over the country and across nearly every industry has been affected by the virus in many ways, from economic losses and disruptions in supply chains to the ongoing challenge of conducting operations mostly – and for some businesses completely – online.

How to Capitalize on Reviews to Improve Your Business

Testimonials are a critical asset for small business owners, and these days, most people share and search for reviews online. Inc. says 91% of people regularly or occasionally read online reviews, and 84% trust online reviews as much as their friends, so if you’re not monitoring and responding to yours, start now!

Using Blogs to Attract New Business

It goes without saying that today’s business owners across all industries face uncertainty about the future, among other challenges. Whether you run a start-up or an established company, small business owners must constantly adapt to survive and thrive in these rapidly changing times.
Fortunately, some strategies for growing your business can be outsourced, such as digital marketing.

How to Boost Your Business by Boosting Facebook Posts

If you run a Facebook page for your business, you’ve probably noticed the blue “Boost Post” button in the lower right corner of your social posts when you’re logged into your business account. When you hover your mouse over it, it says, “Boost your post to reach more people.”
