Blog and Digital Marketing Tips - Triton Commerce - Page 12


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5 Website Tips to Convert More Leads

Lead conversion tends to be the biggest digital marketing concern for businesses of all sizes, as the average overall website conversion rate across all industries is reported to be less than 3 percent. Here are 5 Website Tips to Convert More Leads.

How Can High Quality Photos and Videos Improve Your Social Media Strategy?

Depending on your social media feed, high-quality photos and videos may not be the first words that spring to mind with the content you come across. (We’re looking at you, Uncle Howard – the half-face selfies while grilling hot dogs aren’t necessarily the most fascinating images we’ve seen on the internet.) But when it comes to promoting your business, high-quality photos and videos should be the only form of quality when it comes to your company’s social media presence.

How To Successfully Advertise On Social Media With A Small Budget

If you think social media is only good for updating the world on how your adorable puppy is doing or constantly sharing your utter contempt for the final season of Game of Thrones, you’re truly missing out! For businesses of all services and sizes, social media is an opportunity to find, connect, and provide for customers you wouldn’t have otherwise been able to do business with.

5 Advantages of Digital Marketing Over Traditional Marketing

The marketing world has come a long way since radio jingles. While traditional marketing strategies such as print, radio, and television ads still hold some relevance in today’s retail era, digital marketing has completely changed the way companies of all sizes can reach, interact, and target their ideal customers.

Why a Digital Marketing Strategy Is a Key Ingredient For All Restaurants & Businesses

Every restaurant owner will tell you there are always a thousand or more things they need to focus on to maintain a successful business. Whether it’s preparing the freshest ingredients for tonight’s entree special or training the staff to provide the most excellent dining experience they can offer, it’s easy to see how something like digital marketing can be the last thing on a restaurant owner’s mind.

5 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website

The need for a functional, efficient, and alluring virtual presence is essentially mandatory for a lot of businesses to succeed today, as well as moving forward. You can even have the most beautiful-looking website ever created, but if nobody visits it, how will it benefit your business? That’s where combining stunning web design with campaigns comes in handy.

3 Tips For Choosing The Right Digital Advertising Strategy

Digital advertising has evolved to become an essential marketing tool for businesses of all industries and sizes. It offers a direct gateway into reaching desired target audiences, allowing advertisers to promptly connect with relevant new or existing customers, generally for surprisingly cost-effective prices. Most importantly, digital advertising is a responsive, reflective form of marketing that’s mirroring how virtual the overall consumer market and experience have become.

Why Your Home Improvement Company Needs Digital Marketing

As the home improvement industry continues to grow and evolve, competition between renovation businesses has become more intense than ever before. The industry as a whole is currently valued at over $400 billion in the U.S., and that figure is projected to increase to over $500 billion by 2024.

Online Marketing Strategies for Seasonal Businesses

Seasonality is one of many things to consider when developing an online marketing strategy for your business. No, we’re not talking about posting the same old photos with a holiday filter. Effective seasonal marketing is a lot more complicated than that, but when you pull it off, the results are more than worth the effort.
