Blog and Digital Marketing Tips - Triton Commerce - Page 13


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Effective Digital Marketing Takes More Than Luck

Does it seem like your business has bad luck online? You put up a beautiful website and post regularly on social media, but you feel ignored and start second-guessing your investment. You think maybe all the luck is saved for your competitors, who always seem to get noticed.

Using SEO to Beat Your Competition Online

Most small business owners who have a budget for digital marketing also have at least a basic understanding of search engine optimization. If that’s you, we’re here to help you take those SEO skills to the next level!

Creating Social Content Your Followers Will Love

Are you trying to get more little hearts and likes? It’s challenging for any brand to put out social content their followers will love week after week, but with a few tips from our experts, every post on your profile will be adored.

How Will Your Website Rank in Google’s Page Experience Update?

May 2021, Google’s algorithm changed to highlight search results that provide a good page experience Google says their new page experience signals will “measure how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page and contribute to our ongoing work to ensure people get the most helpful and enjoyable experiences from the web.”

Let’s “Taco” ‘Bout Digital Marketing

Building an effective digital marketing strategy for your business is much like building the perfect taco. Your perfect taco is not another company’s perfect taco – every business needs a custom digital marketing strategy uniquely tailored to them. However, there are a handful of key ingredients you need for a taco to be a taco – these are the solutions every business should have.

Grow Your Inbound Leads in 2021

For many business owners, the focus for 2021 is on bringing in more high-quality traffic to the company website. We all want more leads, and by now most of us have realized that old school marketing tactics like cold calling and networking aren’t enough (or sometimes even possible anymore, as long as the pandemic is still a part of our lives and businesses).

Does Your Website Need a New Design in the New Year?

And just like that, the year is over. What better way to start the new year than with a freshly updated web design? As a business owner, your website is your most important marketing tool, and you should never stop making adjustments to improve it.

Is Your Business Set for Voice Search?

Over the last few years, smart speakers like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple HomePod have become incredibly popular not only for personal entertainment but increasingly for performing web searches. Can customers who use voice search find your business? Here’s the rundown on how to get your company set up for voice search.
